The new year’s buzz is all around us! As you prep for your content calendar, check out these ethical and environmental holidays in January that’ll set the ball rolling for your content ideas. Let this list be your cheat sheet to jumpstart your new year’s content with a bang during the end-of-the-year holiday slump. I have also included relevant hashtags to make your content reach new goals in the new year. Here are 15 Ethical & Environmental Holidays in January you could include in your content plan:
January 1 – New Year Resolutions & Intentions
Set your business or personal new year resolutions & intentions and share them with the world. Once it’s out there, you’ll be more accountable for it via your actions throughout the year. #newyears #newyearsresolutions #newyearsgoals #newyearvibes #happynewyear #newyearnewme
January 3 – Drinking Straw Day
Take this day to educate your audience on the environmental impact of single-use plastic straws and what can be used as alternatives. If you haven’t switched to a sustainable option for plastic straws, then here’s a day you can commit your business to this new goal or promote it for others. Metal, bamboo, and paper straws are popular alternatives. Another on-the-go choice is the reusable silicone straw, which takes up minimal space in your bag. #drinkingstrawday #metalstraws #ecofriendlystraws #siliconestraws #ecostraw #drinkingstraws
January 5 – Bird Day
National Bird Day is celebrated to raise public awareness about the immediate threats to many bird species due to habitat loss, disease, and illegal trade. Take the day to share your favorite bird facts and documentaries, or if you have a connection to a particular bird, share personal anecdotes. You can donate to a local charity that protects birds and their habitats. #birdday #birdphoto #birdtime #birdphotography #nationalbirdday #birdwatching
January 10 – Save the Eagles Day
Continuing with the theme, Save the Eagles Day is observed to prevent the majestic bird’s extinction by spreading awareness about its integral role in the ecosystem. Spend the day sharing content about the eagles or interview a person that interacts with eagles, such as a bird watcher or a park ranger. #savetheeaglesday #baldeagle #baldeagles #birdsofinstagram #birdingphotography #birdconservation
January 10 – Cut Your Energy Costs Day
It’s an awareness day that encourages homeowners and businesses to figure out ways to reduce their energy costs. By doing so, it facilitates energy efficiency and energy savings too. This is a great day to share facts and tips regarding energy conservation. #cutyourenergycostsday #energysavings #energycosts #energysavingtips #saveelectricity
January 10 – Houseplant Appreciation Day
If you sell plants or are a plant mom/dad, this day is for you! With everyone working from home, Houseplant Appreciation Day focuses on not losing our gratitude towards nature’s beauty. There are many benefits to having houseplants. Their vibrancy can bring calmness, and they may be insect repellent too. It’s the day you get to share your plant story! #houseplantappreciationday #houseplants #plantmom #plantdad #naturelover
January 11 – Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Human Trafficking Awareness Day is observed to bring attention to the devastating crisis of human trafficking and modern slavery being its immediate result. The entire month of January is recognized as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. #humantraffickingawarenessday #endtrafficking #stopsextrafficking #humantraffickingawareness #endsextrafficking
January 24 – International Day of Education
This day is celebrated to amplify the importance of the right to education and how education is an integral part of a person’s and society’s development. Share how your education journey shaped you with the world and encourage storytelling! Promote organizations and charities that support this cause. #internationaldayofeducation #educators #unitednations #stem #education
January 26 – Green Juice Day
Green Juice Day is celebrated to promote a healthier lifestyle. Take this day to share your favorite green juice recipe or promote a giveaway to encourage people to drink green juices. They are a delicious and healthy way to get vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes from fruits and vegetables. #nationalgreenjuiceday #greenjuice #greendrink #fruitsandveggies #drinkyourgreens #greenjuiceday
January 28 – International Reducing CO2 Emissions Day
CO2 is one of the biggest contributors to global warming effects and climate change. This day aims to help provide information on ways to reduce CO2 emissions to meet the net zero commitments on the Paris Agreement. Help spread awareness about the problem and support organizations working towards making these changes a reality. #co2emission #reduceco2 #greenhousegases #globalwarming #climatechange
January 31 – International Zebra Day
International Zebra Day is celebrated to spread awareness of the conservation efforts to help this endangered animal. They are an essential part of their local ecosystem as they can digest tough hardened grass, which other species cannot. Take the day to share facts, photographs, illustrations, and other inspirational content to spread awareness. #internationalzebraday #zebra #savethezebras #endangered
Third Monday – Martin Luther King Jr Day
Also known as Civil Rights Day, it’s a US federal holiday to celebrate the birth of Martin Luther King Jr and his major role in the Civil Rights Movement through his nonviolent activism. #MLKDay #MLKWeekend #MLKJr #MartinLutherKingJr #DrMartinLutherKingJr
Last Saturday – Seed Swap Day
It’s the day when gardeners come together to swap seeds in anticipation of the spring. With our modern-day schedules, such activity encourages us to build a community to go green. Take the day to plan a fun seed swap in your neighborhood and promote the beautiful art of gardening. #seedswapday #seedswap #growyourownfood #gardeningtips #gardeninglife #springtime
January – Veganuary Month 
Go vegan this January by taking up the vegan diet challenge throughout the month. If being vegan was one of your new year’s resolutions, this gives you a great start to the year. Share your new vegan diet and alternatives with the world. Spread awareness about why going vegan is beneficial to our environment. #veganuary #veganism #govegan #vegandietchallenge #veganoptions #vegan #vegandiet
January – Blood Donor Month
January is a month dedicated to raising awareness about blood and platelet donation. It amplifies how a simple, selfless act can save lives! So, donate blood if you can, volunteer for your local blood donation drive, or consider hosting a blood drive at your storefront. #blooddonation #blood #blooddonorday #blooddonormonth #worldblooddonorday #donateblood #donatebloodsavelives
Do any of these January ethical & environmental holidays align with your personal or business goals? Let me know in the comments how you plan to include them in your content plan for January.